Class of 2010 pass with flying colours

A few weeks ago our 2010 students’ final exam had to be postponed due to the constraining weather conditions, how gutting was that? Or were those students secretly pleased with the extra revision time?

Either way they have all done well. Like proud parents Sally Ann and I are happy to say they have all passed. They had their results today so its our guess there will be a few corks popped tonight. From a new Mum who gave birth in January to a retired sea captain their results are richly deserved, as without exception each one of them have worked their wee socks off.

If ever I was to question my decision to set up this diploma I don’t need to go further than the experience of today. For in my own quiet moment of reflection I know that there are a a few more really capable, safe effective therapists out there who will bring long lasting change to people’s lives – Oh I best raise a glass to them myself.

My toast to them would be ‘limitations are just a product of the imagination.’ – I am proud of you all.

Jill Wootton (47 Posts)