The Rewind Technique Online Training|Clear Phobias and PTSD|
Next training date Tuesday 16th April 9.30 – 5.30. Plus two follow up coaching dates.
Elevate your skills in trauma release from the comfort of your own home. This training in The Rewind is from 9.30 to 5.30 (plus 2 follow up supervision webinars). We take the normal breaks and the tech is uber simple.
Make a difference to your business clients and community with this life changing skill.
When a client doesn’t make progress could PTSD be the problem?
It can be like Groundhog Day as your client returns to tell you they are still feeling anxious and depressed. Could it be that PTSD (post traumatic stress disorder) or a phobic condition is to blame?
‘Barry sought the help of a counselor as he was feeling depressed. Although he was forty-three he sat shaking and in tears as he recalled the bullying he had received from his father when he was a young boy. His life had been characterized by periods of unemployment, alcoholism, insomnia and debilitating depression. Recalling some of those events he said it was like it just happened yesterday and the thoughts of those difficult times often overwhelmed him. Just an hour later after experiencing the rewind he could think about those hard times without any anxiety.’
And “After a traumatic second birth, Annie’s partner and family thought she had a bad case of the baby blues. They didn’t realise she had PTSD from a long stressful labour and emergency cesarean. Annie’s brain had remembered the birth in a particular way causing her to feel overwhelmed, exhausted and tearful. After 1 session with Jill (your trainer) she was felt immediately more relaxed and fully recovered in just a few days.’
PTSD can be the cornerstone that locks anxiety and depression in place
PTSD often goes undiagnosed as it has many guises. The effect of trauma can vary from full-blown depression, flash backs, avoidant behavior and high level’s of agitation, to low mood and mild anxiety. The British Medical Associations criteria for PTSD and phobia’s is complex but even if not medically diagnosed, many people with the above symptoms will find symptoms lifting after being treated with the rewind technique.
A safe and effective method for treating trauma and phobias
The rewind technique has been developed over the past couple of decades. Prior to this it was thought that continued exposure to the phobic stimulus or original trauma was the key to de-traumatisation. Thankfully we can confidently report that therapists do not have to expose a client to more distress to get rid of these debilitating conditions. The rewind technique protects the client and keeps them safe from the anxiety of reliving the trauma. Believe it or not you don’t even have to know the full details of what happened in order to help your client.
How does the Rewind Technique work?
The key to understanding how the rewind is so immediately effective is because it enables a person to dissociate the high emotional response from the traumatic memory or stimulus.
About 70% of people who have experienced a traumatic event will process their thoughts about the incident over the following days and weeks. This process mainly occurs in the hippocampus, which is responsible for short-term memory, and in the neo-cortex. Eventually the event is stored in long-term memory and will not trigger an anxiety response. However, in the remaining 30%, high levels of stress hormone generated by traumatic experience inhibit this natural process and PTSD or a phobia results.
In order to overcome this, the individual needs help to allow their brain to complete the natural process of moving the recollection from ‘live’ to ‘long term’ memory.
Rewind Technique efficacy is supported by new four year research
Until recently there has been little research into the rewind technique (also known as the fast phobia cure). However a new study of four years’ use of the technique at the Nova Trauma Support Services (part of the Barnardo’s charity) has shown remarkable results. The Nova team provides therapeutic support to individuals and families who have been psychologically traumatised, primarily as a result of their experiences in Northern Ireland.
The team worked with forty-seven people, 57% of whom were treated with only the Rewind Technique. Twenty-six would have met the criteria for PTSD. The results show that after treatment none of the forty-seven people treated met the criteria for PTSD. There was also a significant reduction of all sub symptoms associated with PTSD, five categories had zero reports after treatment.
Martin Murphy, lead clinician in the study, said
‘….the case notes repeatedly identified not only relief from symptoms but also the emergence of qualitative positive changes in the individual’s daily lives.’ He suggests that it is effective in children as young as 8 and adults at least to the age of seventy; and that the rewind is effective for both single and multiply traumatized individuals.
(Human Given journal Volume 14, No 4- 2007)
You will learn how to:
- Change a sufferer’s life in one hour even if the phobia or PTSD has been present for years
- Diagnose when your client will benefit from the rewind
- When not to use it
- Structure and manage a session using the Rewind
- Banish a whole range of phobic conditions. From anxiety about sexual performance to fear of flying
- Lift the symptoms of PTSD
- Effectively treat a variety of psychological problems with the rewind (fear of public presentations, anxiety and a host of other difficulties)
And understand:
- What happens in the brain in high-anxiety conditions
- What causes PTSD and phobias
- The mechanisms in the brain that are responsible for the sufferer’s distressing symptoms
- The differences between high anxiety, a phobia and PTSD
- How to deal with multiple phobias or trauma’s
- Why the physical and emotional symptoms are so overpowering
- Why will power alone does not help
- The pro’s and con’s of other techniques that are used in treating trauma and phobia’s E.g. EMDR (eye movement desensitization reprogramming) EFT (emotion thought field therapy) TFCBT (trauma focused cognitive behavioral therapy)
You will be able to:
- Increase your clients expectation that the process will be successful and they will be free of the problem
- Use scaling to demonstrate the changes of thinking and behaviour after the rewind
- Understand how you can use words and language techniques to help keep your client calm
- Progressively relax your client
- Deal with abreactions
- Confidently use the rewind on your clients
What you get:
The training day will be a mix of lectures demonstrations and practicing the steps involved in the Rewind Technique. By the end of the day you will have to hand one of the world’s safest and most effective trauma release techniques.
- Demonstrations of the rewind with real clients
- Learn the structure of the Rewind in a group chat room via Zoom-we use a fun way to embed the skill
- Practice one to one with guidance
- Comprehensive lecture notes
- Written summaries of the Rewind
- Relaxation script
- A self checking system that you can use to ensure you have learnt all that you need before doing the rewind
- 2 follow up group webinar sessions with a tutor to answer any questions, talk through your practice and case studies.
It’s really easy to join on the day. We’ll guide the step by step training process and you’ll have lots of chance to ask questions and practice.
During these unprecedented times, the skill lift PTSD, phobias and high anxiety is needed more than ever.
The start time is 9.30 am so time to grab your favourite cuppa, snuggle in your favourite chair and learn this life changing, easy to use technique in just one day!
Contact us for dates on
All you need is:
- an open mind and a willingness to join in and work the techniques – it’s a very practical day
- an internet connection a laptop, computer or tablet!
- to be available between 9.30am-5.30pm UK (BST) – join from anywhere in the world.
And you’ll get:
- top notch training from Jill who has 20 years experience of training and transforming her clients lives
- an informative manual to download
- a fun and inspiring day
- and for you to refer to afterwards when you are practising your new skills
- lots of practice working with the techniques on your own issues
- 2 follow up supervision webinars where you can ask questions and share experiences – a great chance to embed your skills
Who does this course?
- Counsellors
- Hypnotherapists
- Hypnobirthers
- Coaches
- Frontline health practitioners
- Social workers
- EFT practitioners
Your Trainer – Jill Wootton
The founder of Within Sight Training, Jill, has 22 years of helping people overcome limiting barriers to health and happiness. She uses a fusion of solution focused counselling skills, hypnotherapy and EFT/energy psychology techniques to coach and train individuals and groups. Jill is totally passionate about helping people to be the best version of themselves and believes that every single person who gets to do that contributes to the health of the planet. A past student described her as a ‘pocket dynamo’ – And yes, she is full of energy knowledge and experience which she loves to share.
Cost: £245.00: secure your place with £50.00 deposit. You can pay using the links below or email us at
Deposit £50.00 GBP
Full Payment £245.00 GBP
Book now, or contact us now to see if this is the right course for you.

Practitioners testimonials
The Rewind Technique is an elegantly simple but powerfully effective tool that every therapist should have at their disposal. It’s an indispensable part of my own practice. I’ve used it to treat all sorts of phobias, including severely entrenched phobias that have been with the client for decades, with consistent success. I’ve also used it to help people overcome such traumas as workplace bullying, miscarriage and relationship breakdown.
One of the things I love about the Rewind is that it’s totally focused on the client. The client’s safety, comfort and privacy are respected at all times. All too often, traumas are made worse by a misguided insistence on talking about them. In contrast, the Rewind provides permanent relief from traumatic memories without the therapist ever having to know what the original trauma might have been.
In my experience, the Rewind Technique is the best method we have for helping traumatised people to reclaim their lives.
Ian Sherred Hypnotherapist, Southampton
The rewind is a life-changing experience for a client as it enables them to be the agent of their own change. It quite literally hands the control to the client at a time when they may feel at their most out of control. It removes the debilitating effects of trauma and phobia and does so in an empowering and deeply respectful way.
Donna Peters, Brighton
After training in the Rewind technique, I have been able to help my Hypnobirthing Mum’s be better prepared for birth. Sometimes negative past experiences and beliefs systems can be hiding at a low level PTSD. Left untreated it can have a negative impact on the birth but I know the right questions to ask to check if this is the case. I can also help Mothers who have traumatic births causing PTSD – I was surprised that most of PTSD goes undiagnosed so am thankful for my training as the rewind sets them free.’
Fiona, Sussex
What happens once I have paid?
You will receive an email from our Customer Service Manager, Karen Reynolds.
Karen is uber friendly and totally there to help you have a great experience with us. Karen will send you all the details you need to get the most out of the day and the 2 subsequent webinars with Jill.
“I know but one freedom and that is the freedom of the mind.”
~Antoine de Saint-Exupery
Book now for this transformational course and claim this technique for life!