Heart Math Breathing
Emotional Freedom Technique Training
The heart is a primary generator of rhythm in your body, influencing brain processes that control your nervous system, cognitive function and emotion. More coherent heart rhythms facilitate brain function, allowing you more access to your higher intelligence so you can improve your focus, creativity, intuition and higher-level decision-making. When you’re in heart-rhythm coherence, you perform at your best.
To create heart coherence use this simple yet powerful heart math breathing technique;
- Step 1: Heart Focus. Focus your attention on the area around your heart, the area in the centre of your chest. Sometimes it can help to place your hand over the centre of your chest to help keep your attention on your heart.
- Step 2: Heart Breathing. Breathe deeply but normally and imagine that your breath is coming in and going out through your heart. Find a natural rhythm where you are breathing in and out for the same count, such as in for 3 and out for 3.
- Step 3: Heart Feeling. As you maintain your heart focus and heart breathing, activate a positive feeling within you. One of the simplest ways to generate a positive, heart-based feeling is to remember a place you’ve been to that brings back happy memories or the love you feel for someone.
You only need to do this for a few minutes to create positive changes in your heart rhythms. This in turn will send powerful signals to your brain that in turn release ‘happy’ chemicals to your body, helping to change how you feel. Try it before a meeting, presentation or interview. Use it first thing in the morning to set your day off on the right footing, or even to help you wind down at night.
Instant Rescue Technique
People who feel low tend to look downwards and don’t see much further than the ground a few yards in front of them. That causes a feeling of being hemmed in, with few possibilities and it’s strongly associated with feeling bad. Looking up, on the other hand, automatically suggests space and freedom. Indeed, scientists have shown that there’s an observable change in brain activity when people look upwards: you start to generate more alpha waves, which, in turn, develop feelings of peace, comfort and well-being. If you also move your eyes from side to side, you’ll break down the associations that are making you unhappy. As soon as you’ve mastered this Instant Rescue technique, you can boost its effect by developing a habit of looking upwards frequently. This will trigger your brain to reinforce good feelings.
- Remember a time when you felt unhappy, just enough to have a bit of that feeling again.
- Now look upwards at the ceiling for at least 30 seconds, as if you are trying to see the tips of your eyebrows. You should sense just a slight strain on your eye muscles.
- Keep thinking about that unhappy feeling. With your head still, slowly move your eyes from side to side, so that you’re looking up to the left and then up to the right. Do this 20 times.
- With your head still, look up and down 20 times. Your unhappy feeling should be diminishing.
- Now, move your eyes in a figure of eight 20 times and then in a figure of eight in the other direction 20 times.
- Look straight ahead – and notice how much you’ve reduced your feeling of unhappiness. If you want to reduce it further, repeat steps 2, 3, 4 and 5. Do not let yourself look downwards for any length of time until you feel OK again. If you feel any uncomfortable feelings coming back, look up again and go back to step 2.