Why every talking therapist should understand the power of hypnotic influence


If you are a talking therapist and getting good results, you’ll be using the power of trance states to help get those results – whether you realise it, or not. And if your business isn’t quite where you’d want it to be – learning what hypnosis is and how to do the basics could be the key to increasing your effectiveness.

Many of your clients will have tried to change themselves and I’m sure you will often hear sentences like:

‘I’ve tried so hard to …………’ or

‘No matter how hard I try I can’t stop…………….’



Whether they want to be more confident, let go of toxic behaviours or stop worrying. They may have been successful for a short time but then slip back into old habits. The reason for this is largely because their energy has gone into consciously changing behaviour, when the driving force of our habits of feeling, thought and action are the patterns in their subconscious mind.




That’s why you can’t TELL a client to change – we would all be out of business if change were as simple as telling yourself to be different!!


Science has shown that the subconscious mind commands your everyday experience through the filter of your thoughts and beliefs. Your thoughts have the power to direct your life by causing patterns of brain activity that wire neurons together. And this creates the way that you feel – the glue that binds both good and unhelpful patterns.

So, when someone wants to change, they find it hard to do it themselves because the problem is held and activated by patterns in the subconscious mind.


Lasting change needs to be instinctive and automatic.

All our patterns – healthy and unhealthy are instinctive. For instance, you don’t consciously decide to blush or feel anxious – it happens in a blink of an eye. You don’t see someone you love and think, right now l must make myself feel happy. It’s instinctive.

If change is to be instinctive, a pattern in the subconscious mind needs to be updated. And it’s through trance state we access this place.


Hypnosis and trance states activate the Rapid Eye Movement (REM) state

Both involve a change in attention from multiple perspectives to a narrow focus of attention. We naturally go into a trance state when learning something, are captivated by something or someone, or if there is a potentially dangerous situation brewing.

Both cause the brain to go into REM. And REM is where we access the subconscious mind!


Trance states also enable us to learn new and access existing patterns in the mind.

And here we have the key to a natural way to work with your client’s mind to create a new way of feeling, thinking and reacting.

Great way to get to the emotions is through the imagination. Your mind doesn’t distinguish between what is real and what isn’t. So, cells react if it were really happening and cells get wired together in a new way – forming routes that will drive unconscious behaviour.

A skilled therapist who helps their client build a picture of a preferred future is setting the client’s unconscious mind on a course of changing the templates that drive the behaviour. You will be changing expectation and thus the related behaviour will change too.

A client may have been told not to get upset over a particular issue, or know logically that they need to stop smoking, but just can’t seem to stop themselves. That is because most behaviours are pattern matched way beyond consciousness and so just ‘telling’ someone to stop rarely works.


You don’t have to close your eyes to go into trance 

Artful questions will narrow a person attention gate and allow them to go into trance, even if just for a few moments -where they can be more creative and resourceful.

When you have the language to step into your client’s world and stimulate their imagination to uncover the solutions they make meaningful connections that go way beyond any ‘trying to be different.’


9 reasons why all therapist should learn about the trance state and how to do hypnosis
  1. You can build up advanced levels of rapport quickly so the sessions flow with greater ease
  2. Bypass conscious resistance and access resourceful states
  3. Demonstrate you understand the problem from the client’s point of view. As you talk the client’s language the client is engaged and feels you understand them
  4. Help your client relax
  5. Help the client to be creative and come to their own helpful conclusions
  6. Make your words go beyond the client’s ruminating brain and access the place where subconscious habits of feeling thought and action are held making change and reframes easy
  7. Give the client an experience of the future without the problem
  8. Understand why people get stuck in negative trance states
  9. Increased results from your sessions


Our next Introduction to Hypnosis Workshop is on

25/26th January 2020, in Brighton.

You can find out more about this training here!


Or if you can’t make this date, don’t worry – please give the office a call on 01273 738663

karen reynolds (20 Posts)